Monday, July 7, 2008

Learning Feedback Diary

*General Objectives:
-to further develop and improve my knowledge and skills through personal experiences in caring and giving proper services to my client as a health provider.
*Specific Objectives:
-to be able to apply the knowledge i had gained and be able to exposed ourselves into the actual hospital situation,so that we would know how to manage and deal with each circumstances.and be able to give the best care I could give to those patient with communicable diseases.
-during the very first time of exposure to other hospital I had felt so much mixed emotions.excitement that I could some how experienced the things I have not encountered before.fear because its a new environment,knew people with different attitudes to deal with.and of course frightend because I might fail.
*Group mates:
-my group mates were very cooperative and supportive,like me they always give their best.
*Clinical Instructor:
-Our C.I were very strict yet very supportive and informative,they never failed to remind us of the right thing that we should do.and teach us of the things that we should know,each time we encountered cases which are foreign to us,deeply explain and make us understand every little things that is included in the case we are discussing
-Having been affiliated to other hospital was been a great experience because I was given a chance to learn more things that could get me enhance my skills.Ive come to encountered different cases that I did not met during my past affiliations.such us taking care a pt. with communicable diseases which are quite an usual.also though of the proper caring to render to my pt. I had gained enough to learn and I was able to share the best care I could give.